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Sadly - No info again on this residential gem, hidden in Belgium...


But there is a funny tale....


We had trouble pin pointing this one ( shout out to Trev on the plotting....) 

And then we clocked a "Do not enter" or "toegabandan fobbition" (?) sign and we knew we were close....

After a little walk into the woods we spotted our target...

( I'll skip alot ) 

After 10 mins, 3 out of 5 of us said "Sod this ! It's crap !" and headed back to the car...

Just then, me and fellow PRO explorer "The Growler" said "Hold on a mo !? The Wooden House ? why is it called that then, there is no wood?" Just as we found the entrance ( almost like a hidden home

inside a house ?) to the ....WOODEN HOUSE....


Took a load of photos - and went back to the car to take the piss out of the others, that didnt even

find the the place that we looking for !!!!!!




The Wooden House.

Power Plant XL / Gigawatt / Urbex Belgium

Got Wood ?

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