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If the Teletubbies ever designed an office space.....


Being close to my mother in-laws, this was the perfect excuse to drop off the wife and nip out for a mooch !

I'd passed this structure loads, and even had a look once or twice, but it was an easy building to secure so I had no luck...

I'd heard it held some crazy LSD inspired ceilings, and just wanted in !! And it's was 3rd time lucky when i reaslised

the trade entrace door could be opened from the outside with a tiny bit of thought - and I was in !


Not epic, but a nice and rather strange explore all the same !


This site has recently (2016) been demolished and I'm finding it tricky to find any details about the structure online....

If I find some at any point - I'll add it up here ! All I do know is that it was a Child/Parent's resource centre, owned by

"Sure Start" group...

Sure Start Centre.

Power Plant XL / Gigawatt / Urbex Belgium
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